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Results 1-10 of 49 (Search time: 0.034 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Feb-2020The effect of optimism bias and governmental action on siltation management within Japanese reservoirs surveyed via artificial neural networkLandwehr, Tobias; Kantoush, Sameh Ahmed; Pahl-Wostl, Claudia; Sumi, Tetsuya; Irie, Mitsuteru
23-Nov-2020Analyzing Self-Explanations in Mathematics: Gestures and Written Notes Do MatterSalle, Alexander
9-Oct-2020Identifying the sources of structural sensitivity in partially specified biological modelsAdamson, Matthew W.; Morozov, Andrew Yu.
15-Jun-2020Physiological and anatomical differentiation of two sympatric weed populationsNeuffer​, Barbara; Schorsch, Michael; Hameister, Steffen; Knuesting, Johannes; Selinski, Jennifer; Scheibe, Renate
23-Jun-2020„Ich kann nicht ohne Familie“. Männlichkeit(en) und Familienbeziehungen im Kontext von FluchtmigrationHeilmann, Katharina
23-Apr-2020Cognitive Research and Mathematics Education - How Can Basic Research Reach the Classroom?Simplicio, Henrique; Gasteiger, Hedwig; Dorneles, Beatriz Vargas; Grimes, Ka Rene; Haase, Vitor Geraldi; Ruiz, Carola; Liedtke, Francéia Veiga; Moeller, Korbinian
25-Aug-2020Morphologically and physiologically diverse fruits of two Lepidium species differ in allocation of glucosinolates into immature and mature seed and pericarpMohammed, Said; Bhattacharya, Samik; Gesing, Matthias Alexander; Klupsch, Katharina; Theißen, Günther; Mummenhoff, Klaus; Müller, Caroline
21-Apr-2020Handreichung zur Migration einer RefWorks-DatenbankMeyer zu Westerhausen, Wibke
28-Jul-2020Global visual salience of competing stimuliHernández-García, Alex; Gameiro, Ricardo Ramos; Grillini, Alessandro; König, Peter
9-Apr-2020Investigation of Heterologously Expressed Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Genes in a Yeast zwf1 DeletionHeinisch, Jürgen J.; Knuesting, Johannes; Scheibe, Renate